Category Archives: Security

Why Hackers Love Shadow IT

Hackers love Shadow IT because it provides them with new opportunities to get at your firm’s data and private information. And because businesses tend not to know about the Shadow IT running in their organizations, defenses against hackers tend to be weaker or non-existent. What is Shadow IT and Where Can It Be Found? Shadow […]

Common Types of Spyware

In previous articles, we’ve discussed phishing and ransomware and how they can wreak havoc on your firm, clients, and employees. However, you should be aware of another type of malicious hacker program — Spyware. Spyware is a specific type of software that can be particularly insidious. What is Spyware? Spyware is software that allows hackers […]

The Most Important Policies and Procedures to Implement in Your Organization Now

You’ve taken many steps to mitigate security risks for your organization. From using firewalls to ensuring that patches and updates are done on time and that antivirus software is running on all workstations, these steps help to prevent attacks and malicious software. But what are the most important policies and procedures to implement in your […]