The Future of Commuting and Telecommuting

future-of-commuting-and-telecommutingIf you have always wanted to work from home rather than commuting into the office five or six days of week, the future might be looking quite bright for you. Most will agree that for many types of jobs, the future of commuting is in decline, and the telecommuting future is closer than you might imagine.

Technology as an enabler

Technology has made telecommuting much easier. The price of equipment needed to connect with your business, even when you are in another part of the city or another part of the world, is affordable. The Internet and networks, along with the cloud have made connections more reliable. The same apps and features that are available in the office are now available from home when the employee signs into the network remotely.

Expanding the office beyond four walls

Remote employees mean that companies are no longer limited on who they can hire. Even if they have a relatively shallow pool of talent in their area and not enough people who are capable of doing certain types of jobs, they can hire remote workers instead. This allows for more flexibility and efficiency in companies.

Of course, it also means that employees will have more choices. Getting out of bed and realizing that your commute is only a few feet to your home office is nice. Telecommuting could also help to reduce the number of sick days a person takes. It is even possible to have the kids at home while you are working. Others, such as salespeople, could work on the road thanks to telecommuting.

What about those who will still need to commute for the type of job there are doing, though? After all, not all types of work can be completed from home, and you may need to commute to the office. Even those who are telecommuting most of the time might need to visit the workplace on occasion. Technology might be changing this, as well. With the advent of vehicles that have smart technology enabled in them, it can make the commute to work more pleasant and easier. In fact, if self-driving vehicles grow in popularity even more, you might have your vehicle take care of the drudgery of commuting for you.

Want to learn how the future of commuting and telecommuting can transform your business? Contact WCA Technologies online or call 212-642-0980.