What is a “Large Language Model”?

large language models

At the most rudimentary level, a large language model is a cutting-edge information processing system designed to generate human-like text.

Large language models are a type of artificial intelligence (AI) trained on a wide array of internet text. However, unlike most of the AI models we’re familiar with, it doesn’t know specific documents or sources it was trained on, nor does it have access to any personal data unless explicitly provided during the conversation. Large language models learn by identifying patterns and semantics in the data they are trained on, and they utilize this knowledge to generate relevant and contextually appropriate text, though sometimes inaccurate.

Large Language Models as Scholars

As an analogy, consider a large language model to be like a well-read scholar. The scholar has perused a multitude of books, but hasn’t memorized the specifics about which books they’ve read. When asked a question, the scholar draws from their vast span of knowledge to provide educated responses (i.e., generate text in human-like language).

How large are these large language models? “Large” refers to the capacity of these models to contain information or their “knowledge,” governed by the number of parameters. Parameters are like tuners or filters; they help the model learn patterns. The more parameters, the larger the model and its capacity to generate sophisticated text. Some of today’s most advanced models boast billions of parameters!

Large Language Models in Business

How do these advanced AI constructs relate to you as a business owner? The potential applications are vast and multi-faceted, transforming business processes and client experiences.

Large language models can articulate and understand human-like language, enabling them to draft emails, answer questions, create written content, tutor in a variety of subjects, translate languages, simulate characters for video games… and the list goes on.

Imagine having an AI assistant that can draft emails or reports, answer customer inquiries real-time, create engaging content for your social media accounts, or analyze data to provide valuable business insights — all with quick turnaround times and minimal supervision.

What About Humans?

Like any technology used correctly, large language models aren’t intended to replace humans, but complement them, automating routine tasks so your team can concentrate on more strategic, revenue-generating activities.

Moreover, these models add value by being customizable. They can be fine-tuned to align with the tone, values, and unique requirements of your business.

Plus, implementing these AI models doesn’t necessarily mean a complete overhaul of your existing systems. They can smoothly integrate with your current technology infrastructure, making adoption hassle-free.

While concepts like large language models might seem abstract or distant from daily business operations, their value and potential benefits are tangible and immediate. These advanced AI constructs not only offer efficiency by automating routine tasks but also open avenues for creativity, productivity, and revenue generation.