Wake Up with Office 365

On Thursday May 11th at 9:30am, WCA Technologies, LiveTiles, and SoHo Dragon will host a technologies breakfast event where the eggs won’t be the only things scrambled.

Our mission: to change what you’ve come to expect from a digital experience platform.

The three companies have been in the throes of innovation, pushing the norms of digital practices and the roles that they play in the workplace. We hope to take this opportunity to bridge the gap between those concepts as abstractions and how we as users interact with and benefit from them on both individual and corporate scales.

Scale and streamline with one platform

The event will begin with a social breakfast and then transition into our first speaker, Peter Ward of SoHo Dragon. Peter is the CTO and founder of the Microsoft Gold partner that ranks among Inc Magazine’s 5000 List of America’s Fastest-Growing Companies. He has co-authored four SharePoint books during his last 25 years as a technologist and plans to share that expertise while discussing SoHo Dragon and its relationship with Office 365.  Guests can plan for a straight evaluation of the O365 product set along with a conversation that addresses Teams vs. Slack, Groups vs. Trello, what users want to see on a platform, and where Microsoft stands and is headed on the product roadmap.

Protect your Office 365 environment

Following Peter will be… Peter! Peter Fidler is the president of WCA Technologies, a company that has provided IT support, consulting, and managed IT services to businesses in the tri-state area for the last twenty years. They specialize in helping organizations reduce costs, increase revenues, and minimize risk through their solutions. At the technologies breakfast event, Peter will be focusing on that last segment—risk and security. Some of the topics he will cover include service-level security, protection from security threats, and customer controls for security in the digital arena.

Prototyping Office 365

After our speakers from SoHo Dragon and WCA Technologies cover digital solutions and the security elements pertaining to them, we will break and then regroup for our last speaker, Dave Salter of LiveTiles. Dave is our innovation and experience lead who is a long-time Microsoft expert. He has helped drive SharePoint optimization across several top enterprises and has been a major player in the rapid growth and adoption of LiveTiles. He’ll be spotlighting prototyping with Office 365 and the nature of approaching template creation and scalability. The talk will involve these topics and how they relate to widgets/tiles, pages, and portals.

When all is said and done, events will wrap up around noon with a brief window for networking and closing conversation. At this technology breakfast, we’re expecting a good turnout for interesting chats with equally interesting (and fun) people. We look forward to seeing you there!

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