Azure Cloud Apps

Enterprises are adopting cloud technology at a growing pace. In fact, a recent LinkedIn Cloud Security Spotlight report, which contains insights from over 250,000 respondents, found that 71 percent of respondents are planning to or have already implemented a cloud environment. When seeking opportunities to migrate to the cloud, one area of opportunity is cloud apps. […]

Collaboration to Get Ahead

5 Ways Your Competitors Are Using Collaboration to Get Ahead Despite recent technology advances, many employees today still work in silos. They capture vast amounts of critical information during the workday, yet the location of this information is fragmented, residing on laptops, phones and email archives. Successful companies are taking action to solve this challenge, […]

Is Storing My Password in the Browser Safe?

Password Security: Is Storing My Password in the Browser Safe? Over half of U.S. adults have at least six password-protected accounts, according to Consumer Reports. And at the workplace, the stakes are even higher, with many accounts containing highly sensitive information. But how can you protect yourself? You may well be wondering, “Is storing my […]

Aligning Technology with Business Goals

Every successful small-to-medium-size business has goals — perhaps it’s a revenue goal, a milestone for growth, or other efficiency measures. But regardless of the specifics, these objectives are defined for good reasons, because as Lewis Carroll said, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will get you there.” A large part of what […]

IT Support for New York Nonprofits: Why Teaming-Up Makes Sense


New York nonprofits benefit by teaming-up with IT support specialists As a nonprofit, you’re likely working diligently to engage and retain donors while striving to maintain sustainability and fulfill your mission. And at times, you might feel that resources are spread too thin. When this happens, you may wonder, “How can I make our existing […]

Top 5 Ways That Law Firms Benefit from IT Support

Hewlett Packard Enterprise

Your law firm is busy, and the daily to-do list probably feels longer than ever before. Adding to this challenge is the fact that technology, with all of its advancements, is becoming an increasingly important part of daily business operations. As a result, many firms are struggling with the following question: “Should we manage IT […]

Managed IT Services Plus Local Support in New York City

Managed Services: Partnering With a New York City IT Company Technology problems are frustrating because they not only waste valuable time, but they also trigger revenue loss. The reality is that most companies will experience technology challenges, so the resources you have in place to handle those issues will be a safety net. In fact, […]

On-Demand IT Support in New York City

What is “On-Demand IT Support”? Imagine this scenario: It’s 4 p.m. and the proposal you’re working on is due by the next morning. And then it happens — a technology glitch throws a wrench in your workflow, and meeting your deadline is becoming more and more unachievable by the minute. You need on-demand IT support now! At one point […]